Martin LaPlatney
Having a certificate is by no means an indication of martial ability or teaching competence. I have known some very fine Masters in China who did not have them. Often a Master would have a ceremony and the student would be accepted as a disciple. Sometimes because of circumstances the Master might just say that the student is a disciple and that is enough. Sometimes they may have studied with several (or many) great teachers and there is no ceremony or certificate. I have also known people with many black belts and certificates of high rank that did not deserve them.
I am only including these here as history and nothing more. They usually sit in my closet.
Without my time in Tang Shou Tao I would never have met Master Li or the other teachers in China. It was invaluable. I am very grateful to Vince Black and all his efforts in China which made everything else possible.
This is for Liang Zhenpu Lineage. Although I don't teach Bagua I mostly practice what I learned from Wong Shitong and Zhang Huasen.
This was given to me by Sijo Emperado. He wanted me to have the old style certificate.
Also for 4th degree Black Belt but signed by some of the other creators of Kajukenbo.
I received this when I was given a 2nd degree Black Belt.
I no longer teach Pikiti but it was fundamental in my training in martial arts. I am deeply grateful to Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje for opening my eyes to the possibilities of martial arts and to Tom Bisio for our many years of practice and friendship.
This was given to me when I first became an instructor.